
This Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to the WPN Affiliate Program. www.wpnaffiliates.com offers the Affiliate the opportunity to promote www.acrpoker.eu, www.blackchippoker.eu and www.yapoker.com in return for a commission based on each referred customer.


Where used in this Agreement, references to:

• “you” “your” and/or “Affiliate” mean the individual or entity which applied as the “Beneficiary” for payment purposes on our sign-up form as submitted at our Web Site (“Affiliate Sign Up Form”)

• “we”, “our”, “us”, “Company” means wpnaffiliates.com, powered by the Winning Poker Network a company incorporated and licensed in the Republic of Cyprus.

The Company may make changes to the Terms from time to time, and the Company will make a new copy of the Terms available at www.wpnaffiliates.com. Affiliates understand and agree that if they continue to participate in the Program after the date on which the Terms have changed, they are deemed to have affirmatively accepted the updated Terms. An Affiliate must regularly check these Terms to determine whether they have been updated and the Company is under no obligation to inform an Affiliate when the Terms have been updated. If an Affiliate elects not to continue to participate in the Program following such changes, such Affiliate must inform the Company in writing via the following email address Support@WPNAffiliates.com that they wish to cease participating in the Program. In such circumstances the provisions governing termination with notice (see clause X) shall apply.

Execution by you of this Agreement as set forth below constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and will be a legally binding agreement between you and us.


1. Affiliate Program Application and Enrollment
To become an Affiliate you will have to submit a completed Affiliate Program Form located at https://secure.acraffiliates.com/signin.php. We will evaluate your application and notify you of your acceptance. We may reject your application if we determine, in our sole discretion, that your Web Site is not suitable for the Affiliate Program for any reason, including, but not limited to, inclusion of content on your Web Site that we deem is in any way unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, harassing, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, which by way of example only, contains (i) sexually explicit, pornographic or obscene content (whether in text or graphics), (ii) speech or images that are offensive, profane, hateful, threatening, harmful, defamatory, libelous, harassing or discriminatory (whether based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability or otherwise), (iii) graphic violence, (iv) politically sensitive or controversial issues or (v) any unlawful behavior or conduct. Similarly, we shall reject your application if we determine, in our sole discretion, that Your Site is designed to appeal to minors. . If we reject your application; you are welcome to reapply to the Affiliate Program at any time.

An Affiliate shall not attempt to open more than one Affiliate account without prior written consent from our Company, nor will an Affiliate earn commissions on their own or related persons accounts. If an Affiliate would like to play on a Client Website, such Affiliate must set up a separate player account on the Client Website. For avoidance of doubt any Client Website personal player account must not be directly tagged to an Affiliates account.

Player Account Linked to Affiliate Account- An affiliate may not play under their own affiliate account and generate revenue from their own play.  Any affiliate that is found to have registered a player account under their affiliate account will have the play account untagged and any lifetime profits accrued will be deducted from affiliate earnings.


2. The Affiliate’s Responsibilities
The Affiliate agrees to be responsible for the development, marketing, and maintenance of their Web Site and for all content that appears on their Web Site. The Affiliate will be responsible for: (i) the technical operations of their Web Site, including all related hardware and software; (ii) the marketing and advertising of their Web Site, including all costs to promote WPN; (iii) ensuring that all materials posted on their Web Site do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party; (iv) ensuring that materials posted on their Web Site use the correct tracking code and are kept up to date; (vi) ensuring that all keyword bids do not use the WPN trademark in the title, description, or link; (v) and ensuring that all e-mail campaigns comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s CANSpam Act. WPN disclaims all liability for these matters and the Affiliate agrees to indemnify and hold harmless WPN from all claims, damages, and expenses relating to the development, marketing, and maintenance of the Affiliate’s Web Site. An Affiliate is restricted from purchasing any domains that include any names, words and phrases that are or can be deemed to form part of our Brand.

Affiliates are restricted from incorporating WPN and/or its associated brands trade name or any variation thereof in any social networking site (Facebook, MySpace, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter). This includes profile name, display name or social networking domain. Affiliates are not allowed to use any outside technology to access, crawl, acquire, copy, “deep-link,” “inline-link” or “page-scrape.” This includes the use of “robots,” “spiders” or other automated devices, programs, algorithms, methodologies or monitor any portion of the WPN web site. Affiliates caught using outside technologies to compromise WPN and/or its associated brands infrastructure and resources will be terminated from the program.

The rights contained in this user agreement are personal to you. Assigning or sublicensing these rights and/or subcontracting your obligations to a third party, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. You are required to inform the Company by email of any changes to your account. All emails sent by you to the Company must originate from the email address on record in your affiliate account.

All marketing codes and links provided to you by the Company are for your sole and exclusive use on your website(s) or promotional channel(s) and are subject to these terms. You agree not to provide these marketing codes and links to any other person or entity for use in any way.


3. Commissions
Affiliates will be compensated in accordance with the Program Details posted here: https://www.wpnaffiliates.com/payment-plans/, which may be altered from time to time without notice. Affiliate agrees to periodically review the Program Details for any changes, which are effective immediately upon posting. The Company reserves the right to offer different commission structures and revenue models to its different affiliate partners. The Company can change the revenue model to CPA or Revenue Share and vice-versa at its sole discretion. Affiliates will not earn commissions from non-qualifying players, which includes all family members and other members of the affiliate’s household. Commissions are subject to proper technical specification with the burden of error placed on the Affiliate. Affiliate will be compensated with a commission or referral fee according to the terms of this Agreement. Affiliate’s payouts will be debited for cancelled “referral” subscriptions. Affiliates will receive no commission for activity determined to be fraudulent by us, including but not limited to credit card numbers in a negative bin number database, multiple subscriptions from a single email address, subscriptions with the same credit card number, sequential names or patterns of names, many subscriptions from a specific Web Site in a short time span, and multiple attempts to subscribe from the same credit card. We will also deny commission for any links coming from any practices that violate the Acceptable Use Policy. An Affiliate found to be engaging in such actions will not receive any credit or payment and will forfeit any and all credit or payment earned. Affiliates agree that WPN, in its sole discretion, may deny or withhold payment and terminate the Affiliate Site due to suspicious behavior, including but not limited to, numerous charge backs or subscription cancellations.


4. Affiliate Commissions
Affiliate commissions are deposited in your WPN player account on a monthly basis. Payments are made within the first three weeks of the subsequent month based on your player’s activity on the previous calendar month. For example, January commissions will be paid within the first three weeks of February. Payments will be issued by requesting ‘Withdraw’ from the ‘Cashier’ after logging into the corresponding player account.


5. Withdrawing Your Affiliate Commissions via Bitcoin
WPN Affiliates uses Bitcoin as the exclusive processor for distributing your affiliate commissions. For more information on how to withdraw your commissions via Bitcoin, click here.

Make sure your player account has a valid email address so you can confirm your withdrawal.
If you have any specific Bitcoin questions, please send us an email to bitcoin@wpnaffiliates.com

Affiliate Commissions will be in accordance with the following:

RAKEBACK PLAN – We will pay you a percentage on a sliding scale up to 12% of the Net Revenue generated for Players referred by you.

REVENUE PLAN – We will pay you a percentage on a sliding scale up to 35% of the Net Revenue generated for Players referred by you.

CPA (Cost per acquisition): We will pay you one-off payment for each Real Money Player you refer to us directly via your campaigns. CPA’s are not automatic and are subject to agreement.

Net Revenue means Gross Revenue, less an aggregate deduction for any chargeback amounts, fraudulent play, VIP programs expenses, player released bonuses, player points, Deposit and Withdrawal fees (7% of each amount), and special promotions. Affiliates will be deducted a 7% processing fees on all deposits or withdrawals made by their players to and from the poker client.

We respect the player’s choice to switch Affiliate players from Rakeback to our Elite Benefit Program at any time, regardless of variations in Affiliate commissions towards the referred Affiliate.

In order to be entitled to the Revenue Share or Rakeback based on your commission plan, all affiliates are required to generate no less than five (5) new depositing affiliate players within a calendar month. In the event that you do not deliver the required number of players, your account will be placed under review. Pending the result of the review, your Revenue Share commission will drop to 5% and your Rakeback commission will drop to 2.5%. In the event that you once again fail to meet the minimum player requirement, your account will be suspended, your commission plan will be canceled and you will not be entitled to any rake back or revenue share retrospectively. Failure to market the brand is considered a breach of terms. Your account will be considered inactive and in breach of terms if you choose to not market (on site or via email) the brand for more than a period of a calendar month. We reserve the right to withhold any affiliate commissions due if you’re found in breach of terms.


6. Tracking and Cookies
Tracking – We promise to do our best to ensure accurate tracking of referrals made by the Affiliate. You hereby acknowledges and accepts that the tracking system employed by us is not 100% fail-safe, and that there may be, on occasion, instances of referrals made that are not credited to the Affiliate for any of the possible reasons: (i) failure by the Affiliate to use proper format of the assigned Affiliate URL in promotions, Web Site links, banner ads, and so on; (ii) deliberate or accidental actions by Players to circumvent the Affiliate’s URL so that the software is unable to accurately track that referral; (iii) bugs, glitches, or crashes of the tracking software that render it unable to accurately track sales for a period of time; (iv) acts of nature that cause irretrievable data loss on the computers and back-up disk media that store the commission information. As such, the Affiliate will not hold WPN liable to compensate for any claimed commissions that were not tracked and recorded by the tracking software. Cookies – We agree to pay commissions after the Player has re-entered the Our Web Site through the use of a cookie placed on the end-user computer. https://www.aboutcookies.org.


7. Retag policy
Should an affiliate or player request a retag, it will be managed as an exception on a case-by-case basis. A retag will only be considered for review if a player’s account was created within 48 hours of the request and only if the player is not tagged to another affiliate. Only affiliates that have previously been allowed to retag qualify for review. Management reserves the right to decide which request merits further review. Any retags that management decides to review will require a request for review from both the affiliate and the player. From the player, the request must come via email from the email address registered in the player account. The email must explain the reason for the retag and must provide evidence. All management decisions are final.


8. Non-Exclusive Limited License and Use of WPN Enterprises Logos and Trademarks
We grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to place the Links on your Web Site during the term of this Agreement, and solely in connection with the Links, to use our logos, trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar identifying material (collectively, “Licensed Materials”), solely for the purpose of promoting Our Site. You are not permitted to alter, modify or change the Licensed Material in any way whatsoever. You may not use any Licensed Materials for purposes other than promoting Our Site, without first submitting a sample of such use to us and receiving our prior written consent. You are not permitted to use the Licensed Materials in any manner that is disparaging or that otherwise portrays WPN or anyone else negatively. We reserve all of our rights in the Licensed Materials and all other intellectual property rights. We may revoke your license at any time by written notice to you. You acknowledge that, except for the license expressly granted in this Agreement, you have not acquired and will not acquire any right, interest or title to the Links or the Licensed Materials by reason of this Agreement or through the exercise of any rights in the Links or the Licensed Material granted to you under this Agreement. This license shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement.


9. Obligations Regarding Your Web Site
You will be solely responsible for the technical operation of your Web Site and the accuracy and appropriateness of materials posted on your Web Site. You agree that your Web Site will not, in any way, copy or resemble the look and feel of Our Site nor will you create the impression that your Web Site is Our Site or any part of Our Site. * The use of Winning Poker Network brand names within affiliate URLs is strictly prohibited as it is the sole intellectual property of the Winning Poker Network. This includes the name of any product, promotion, or site*. You also agree that your Web Site will not contain any content of Our Site or any materials which are proprietary to WPN, except  with our prior permission, or (ii) materials obtained by you via the Affiliate Program information Site in accordance with the provisions hereof or the policies or instructions therein. You will indemnify and hold WPN, harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and expert witness fees) relating to the development, operation, maintenance, and contents of your Web Site or any materials, products or services linked to therein. You hereby acknowledge that your conduct as an Affiliate shall reflect on WPN, and has the potential to cause substantial damage to WPN, reputation and goodwill and that you shall at all times consider the goodwill and reputation of WPN.


10. High Rollers Clause
If the Affiliate would like to remove a winning player who is negatively impacting their average monthly commissionable earnings, they Affiliate may contact their Affiliate Manager or WPN support to discuss this in further details. We may consider offering Affiliates a one-time player removal exception to alleviate the financial impact of a) deposit and withdraw fees and or 2) carrying a large negative balance forward. Once it has been decided to remove a player from your Affiliate account this player cannot be re-added to your account in the future. In these rare cases, we also ask that you address this concern before commissions are run at month end and before any commissionable balances are paid.


11. Player to Player Transfers (P2P)
A P2P transfer to an unfunded player account is not considered an initial deposit. Players that are tagged to an affiliate and that use P2P as a deposit and or withdraw method are required to fund ($25 or more using CC) for KYC purposes. Affiliates using P2P transfers to circumvent the 7% deposit and withdraw fees is consider fraud and breach of contract. Your account will be terminated if we determine, in our reasonable discretion, that you knowingly benefited from Fraud.

The Affiliate undertakes to comply with all reasonable instructions received from our company in relation to the Affiliate’s activities in marketing and promoting the Site(s) including, without limitation, any instruction received from our Company requesting the Affiliate to post on the Website(s) information regarding new features and promotions on the Site.

The Affiliate agrees to use its best efforts to market and promote the Site(s), in a manner consistent with good business ethics and in good faith towards our network keeping our best interest in mind.

An affiliate’s Net Revenue Commission may have a negative balance one month due to customer winnings and/or bonuses. This negative balance will be carried over to the next month, unless the affiliate deal has been adjusted to a “No Negative Carryover Reward Plan” which must be approved by WPN Affiliates. The “No Negative Carryover Reward Plan” means any negative balance will be reset to zero at the beginning of each month. The negative carryover will not be applied retroactively to any deal and only be part of the standard plan for new affiliates after February 1st, 2016.


12. Affiliate/Sub-Affiliate Fraud
The WPN Affiliate team has full discretion to deal with instances deemed as fraud by affiliates or sub-affiliates in one or more of the following ways:

Third party sub affiliate tracking platforms or deals are not permitted, sub affiliates must be registered and tracked via the WPN MyAffiliates platform. Without direct consent in written form WPN, affiliates may not assign in any way sub-licenses or sub-contract any of the obligations of the original affiliate agreement to a third party, doing so in considered a breach of contract and will result in the termination of the affiliate account.

WPN Affiliates reserves the right to review all commissions for possible fraud, whether such fraud is committed by the player, sub-affiliate, affiliate, or other entity. The review period for investigating possible fraud shall not exceed 180 days.

Duplicate affiliate accounts are not permitted.

Applying the original reward plan to the players from the secondary Affiliate account.

Severing the link between the master Affiliate & Sub-Affiliate.

Deals offering additional RakeBack (more than 27%) to players are not permitted and will result in affiliate account termination.

Promotion that offer players money such as Spin Cards is never to be transferred from the player to the affiliate and is meant for play only. Abuse may result in account termination.

Consistent patterns of players releasing the minimum amount of rake to release the CPA and then abandoning play will be deemed as unhealthy traffic or fraud and result in immediate termination of the affiliate agreement.

Affiliate traffic will be reviewed and must be deemed as healthy and non-fraudulent.  Any attempt by an affiliate to defraud the WPN affiliate program by creating false accounts will result in immediate termination of the relationship.  This decision will be at the sole discretion of the WPN affiliate department based on the recommendation of the security department.

The Affiliate shall not, without WPN’s prior written consent, assign at law or in equity (including without limitation by way of a charge or declaration of trust), sub-licenses or deals related to this Agreement or any other rights under it, or sub-contract any or all of its obligations under it or purport to do any of the same. Any purported assignment in breach of this clause shall confer no rights on the purported assignee.


13. Disclaimer for requesting Private Affiliate sponsored events
A minimum of 10 real money players required.

Approval for promotional material distribution does not imply endorsement, or liability to credit prizes.


14. One CPA maximum per player
Players with existing accounts at our network brands (ACR Poker, BCP, True Poker, YaPoker) are not eligible for CPA payment. For example, a player signs up and funds at ACR Poker via an affiliate link, who already had an account at one of our other brands, is not eligible for payment qualification. Affiliates will not receive more than one commission for multiple WPN accounts created on the same computer or IP.


15. Term
The term of this Agreement will begin upon your acceptance to the Affiliate Program and will end when terminated by either Party. At any time, either Party may immediately terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, by giving the other Party written notice of termination, where such notice may be served via fax or e-mail. We reserve the right to withhold your final payment for a reasonable time to ensure that the correct amount is paid. Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason, you will immediately cease use of, and remove from your Web Site, all Links and Licensed Materials and any other names, marks, symbols, copyrights, logos, designs, or other proprietary designations or properties owned, developed, licensed or created by us and/or provided by or on behalf of us to you pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the Affiliate Program. Following the termination of this Agreement and our payment to you of all commissions due at such time of termination, we shall have no obligation to make any further payments of commissions to you.


16. Modification
We may modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, at any time and our sole discretion. Posting on our Affiliate Program information Site of a change of terms notice or a new agreement is considered sufficient provision of notice and such modifications shall be effective as of the date of posting. Modifications may include, but are not limited to, changes in the scope of available commission fees, commission schedules, payment procedures, and Affiliate Program rules. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your sole recourse is to terminate this Agreement and your continued participation in the Affiliate Program following our posting of a change notice or new agreement on our Web Site will constitute binding acceptance of the change. Due to the above, we advise you to frequently visit the Affiliate Program information Site.


17. Limitation of Liability
We will not be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages, or any loss of revenue, profits or data arising in connection with this Agreement or the Affiliate Program, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, our aggregate liability arising with respect to this Agreement and the Affiliate Program will not exceed the total commissions paid or payable to you under this Agreement.


18. Relationship of Parties
You and WPN are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties.


19. Disclaimers
We make no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the Affiliate Program or any products or other items sold through the Affiliate Program (including without limitation warranties of fitness, merchantability, non-infringement, or any implied warranties arising out of a course of performance, dealing, or trade usage). In addition, we make no representation that the operation of our Web Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, and will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors.


20. Representations and Warranties
You hereby represent and warrant to us the following: (i) this Agreement has been duly and validly executed by you and constitutes your legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against you in accordance with its terms; (ii) the execution, delivery and performance by you of this Agreement and the consummation by you of the transactions contemplated hereby will not conflict with or violate any provision of law, rule, regulation or agreement to which you are subject to; and (iii) you are an adult of at least 18 years of age (or 21 years of age if local laws apply).


21. Confidentiality
We may disclose to you certain information as a result of your participation as part of the Affiliate Program, which information we consider to be confidential (herein referred to as “Confidential Information”). Confidential Information shall remain strictly confidential and secret and shall not be utilized, directly or indirectly, by you for your own business purposes or for any other purpose except and solely to the extent that any such information is generally known or available to the public or if the same is required by law or legal process.


22. Indemnification
Subject to applicable law, the Affiliate hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend WPN, its agents, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, advisors, and independent contractors, or anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the Program or any of the products/services sold through the Program that are the subject of this Agreement from any and all claims and/or legal action without limitation, resulting from his/her use, or inability to use the Program which damages the Affiliate or another party. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


23. Entire Agreement
The provisions contained in this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and no statement or inducement with respect to such subject matter by any Party which is not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding between the Parties.


24. Independent Investigation
You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, have had an opportunity to consult with your own legal advisors if you so desired, and agree to all its terms and conditions. You understand that we may at any time, directly or indirectly, solicit customer referrals on terms that may differ from those contained in this Agreement or operate Web Sites that are similar to or competitive with your Web Site. You have independently evaluated the desirability of participating in the Affiliate Program and are not relying on any representation, guarantee, or statement other than as set forth in this Agreement.


25. Specific Geographic Restriction
Residents of France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Australia, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Mayotte, Reunion, Martinique, Louisiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Nevada or Washington State are not permitted to view this site or use any of the games accessed through software downloads provided hereby. From time to time, in its sole discretion, WPN may amend the list of specific geographic restrictions from which you may not access any of the Services. Residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, State of Maryland, State of New Jersey, State of Delaware, State of Nevada or Washington State may not download and use the Software for any purpose. No license is granted hereunder to any User located within any jurisdiction where such offer of a license by WPN or use by such person thereof shall violate any applicable laws. Affiliates are prohibited from signing up customers from any jurisdiction which WPN has indicated in its Terms and Conditions or End User Agreement to be Restricted Geographic locations. No affiliate compensation will be paid for customers play who reside in or attempt to play from such restricted locations.


26. Miscellaneous
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus applicable therein. You may not assign this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written consent. Subject to that restriction, this Agreement will be binding on, inure to the benefit of, and enforceable against the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement.


27. Termination
The WPN Affiliates Program reserves the right to close any affiliate account due to violation of any of our terms and conditions, or inappropriate or offensive conduct towards the WPN Affiliates Staff.

All affiliates must also abide by the Security and Gameplay Integrity Policies outlined here.




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