Venom Fever Satellites have 828 GTD seats to two Mystery Bounty tourneys
Venom Fever is the hottest (and easiest way) to increase your profits We recently told you about the Dual Mystery Bounty Venom tourneys ($8 Million NLH + $2 Million PLO) that start Sunday, January 19th. Each comes with a $2,650 buy-in, but we’re making it easy for your players to get their seats for cheap […]
We’re running two Mystery Bounty Venoms with $10 Million total GTD
Start the new year with a bang by promoting our dual Venom tourneys Two massive Venom tournaments, two big chances to increase your profits! We’re once again running two Venom tourneys together. This time around, they are both Mystery Bounty events – an $8 Million GTD NLH and a $2 Million GTD PLO. That’s $10 […]