Our $12.5 Million Venom tournament starts this Sunday!

The worldwide buzz surrounding our $12.5 Million GTD Venom is undeniable, and now it’s starting this Sunday, April 14th with Day 1A!

It’s the biggest poker tournament in WPN history by 25% or $2.5 Million dollars—and who knows how high the prize pool might go when it’s all said and done?

As exciting as the $12.5 Million prize pool is, that’s just part of the story. Based on the payout structure, three players will win a minimum of $1 million each.  That’s life-changing money no matter how you look at it.

The Venom runs from April 14th to May 1st, but don’t worry if it’s already underway as you read these. There are 5 Day 1 options, so you can promote it all the way until Sunday, April 28th (Day 1E).

Once again, seats cost $2,650. And even though that’s an amazing value, we’re still awarding thousands of seats through Venom Fever. It includes Direct Satellites, Mega Satellites, and more.  We even have paths for your players starting at $0.

The $12.5 Million Venom is more than just a tournament that’s commanding headlines left, right and center. It’s also an incredible tool for affiliates like you to boost your sign- up and conversions. When you consider that the Venom practically sells itself, boosting your profits could be as easy as getting the word out. Make sure you take advantage while you can.




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